Начало / What's on / Wednesday in Muzeiko

What's on:

Wednesday in Muzeiko


1. The littluns play and learn (Suitable for children aged 2 and over)
At the children’s disposal there are busy boards as well as games with the purpose of connecting colors, shapes and wooden cubes. The varied methods of learning on show will aid our toddlers and slightly older peers when it comes to developing their logical thinking, motor skills and abilities to overcome certain challenges.

Level 0, Hall 1
From 10:00 until 18:00


2. Storytelling: The ocean floor (Suitable for children aged 2 and over)
Who inhabits the seabed? Crustaceans, sea stars, jellyfish and other marine creatures. As part of this story we will learn some more about the different marine creatures, will get to hold the ocean in our own hands and will find out how to keep the water clean.

Level 0, Children’s corner
From 11:30 until 11:45;
From 16:30 until 16:45;

3. Open art zone: The fish are so, so hungry (Suitable for children aged 5 and over)
Armed with everyday materials as well as their imagination, our little friends will get to make their own colorful fish. What do fish eat and do they tend to be silent when they are hungry? We will find out in our open art zone.

Level 1, Lobby
From 10:00 until 18:00

4. Science with a lesson learned: Who makes ocean currents move? (Suitable for children aged 7 and over)
Enjoy our experiment, as part of which we will reveal why the ocean currents are important for Planet Earth as well as what causes them!

Level 2, Space lab
From 12:00 to 12:15;
From 15:30 to 15:45;
From 17:00 to 17:15;

5. MS: Freeze frames animation Adventures in the sea (Suitable for children aged 7 and over)
Here we will play with time, develop our imaginations and test our patience. With sets that have been prepared beforehand and instructions provided by the members of our team, the children will make the static objects move and breathe life into the denizens of the sea as well as the beachgoers.

Level 2, Maker space
From 11:00 to 12:30;
From 14:00 to 17:00;


6. Planetarium in Bulgarian (Suitable for children aged 6 and over)
We will show the shortest route from Earth to space. We will take our little dreamers on a walking tour around the Solar System and we will find out what stories are behind some of the constellations above us. Pay a visit to our planetarium on Level 2.

Capacity: 10 people per show Price: BGN 2

From 10:30 to 10:55;
From 11:30 to 11:55;
From 13:30 to 13:55;
From 14:30 to 14:55;
From 16:30 to 16:55;
From 17:30 to 17:55;


7. Planetarium in English (Suitable for children aged 6 and over)

Capacity: 10 people per show Price: BGN 2
12:30 - 12:55;
15:30 - 15:55.

*Muzeiko reserves the right to make schedule-related changes.

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